Minggu, 16 Maret 2014

Tugas Bahasa Inggris Softskill Membuat karangan (direct, indirect speech)

Nama : Yogha Argha Permana
NPM : 18211395
Kelas : 3EA21

Tugas softskills karangan direct and indirect speech dalam percakapan

Nia           : have you said to your Father that you will go camping?
Lita        : yes, I have
Nia           : what did the say?
Lita        : He said “You may not go camping” (direct speech)
                He said that I could not go camping. (indirect speech)
Nia          : why?
Lita       : My Father said “ You must get rest at home because you’re sick”  (direct speech)

                My Father said that I had to get rest at home because I’m still sick (indirect speech)

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